Post Reading Time

How To Show The Post Reading Time For Your Blog Posts?

In a few websites, you may have seen the estimated post reading time of the posts. You may be thinking how is it happening?

Well, WordPress has the solution for everything. There are a few plugins which allow you to display the post reading time for each post.

There are a few WordPress themes which have this feature inbuilt. But not all users want that so it would be hard to choose such themes.

In this article, I am going to let you know about the usage of two plugins.

Display Post reading Time Using “Reading Time” Plugin.

The usage of this plugin is quite simple. I am going to elaborate the process.

Step 1:- Install and activate this plugin.

Step 2:- Go to settings>>reading time and you will see its settings.

You can choose the number of words to be read in one minute. Just fill everything you want. If you’re writing the longer posts, maybe you can choose 200 or 250 words per minutes.

It’s up to you.

Step 3:- You have to add the shortcode in the blog post you want to show the estimated post reading time.

The shortcode is:-


This will show the time according to the number of words you fill per minute.

How To Show Post Reading Time Using Another Plugin?

There is another plugin “Post Reading Time” and it’s as useful as its name. You can add the estimated time for each post of your blog.

Step 1:- Install and activate the plugin.

Step 2:- Just like the above-mentioned plugin, choose the number of words per minutes. It also provides you the option to use your own words.

For example :- Estimated Time For This Post Is 8 minutes.

You can change the suffix and prefix according to you.

Step 3:- If you want to display the reading time below each post then you have to edit the single.php file of your WordPress theme.

<?php post_read_time(); ?>

Use the above-shown code. This plugin is more favorable than others because you just have to add this one code and all of your blog posts will get optimized.

Isn’t That easy To Add The Estimated Reading Time For Each Post?

I have always thought about showing the reading time below each post. But you know that it’s not favorable for every post.

So from the above plugins, you can choose any one of them according to your need. The permanent solution is “Post Read Time” plugin.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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    1. Hey Tabish,

      It’s good to know that you found it helpful. These plugins can help you to show the post reading time for all of your blog posts.

      Just use the shortcode.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hey Ravi,

    I loved to read this wonderful post, there is great ideas. While browsing the web, I’ve noticed some sites providing an estimated reading time for articles. Some are as low as one minute while others are over ten. I think the idea of providing an estimated reading time is ridiculous. Thanks for sharing your interesting thought pertaining to this topic.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      There are a few websites which are showing the estimated post reading time for each post. The above-mentioned plugins can work fine. It’s somehow good to provide an idea as how much time is required to read the post.

      Thanks for your contribution.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Thank you for this nice post. Screenshots are really helpful.

    Which one of the above mentioned plugins would you suggest?



  3. Hi Ravi bro,

    I have seen this in one or two blogs I have read recently. I immediately wanted it in my blog too to make impatient readers to remain for longer duration.

    And as you said, I also feel that it shouldn’t be added unto all the posts. I want to use it in posts that have more than 1.5K words.


    1. Hey Sherab,

      Yeah, this may be really interesting because people like to find out the secret behind. I am sure, it would help you to engage more readers. The first plugin would be better for you.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Enjoy your day.


  4. Wow, I thought its only available in higher price premium themes. Never know I can integrate this on my blog as easy as this.

    Thanks bro

  5. Hi Ravi, Count me among those who have often wondered about reading times for articles. I have to say, a short reading time will often propel me to read an article I might have skipped.

    I already have so many plugins, I hesitate to add another one. But this one might help with GA’s time spent on page.

    I will have to think about this. Very helpful information!

    1. Hey Carolyn,

      You know the importance of the time and it’s always good to know about the estimated reading time of an article. I know that more plugins can conflict but still, this is the simple solution.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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